Investigating the workforce capacity and needs for animal disease surveillance and outbreak investigation: a mixed-methods study of veterinary services in Vietnam Bài báo 103 29/07/2024 Xem tiếp
Marine fish parasites in the Cat Ba Archipelago, Vietnam: the results of 2010-2023 field surveys Bài báo 544 19/02/2024 Hoang-Ha Thi Nguyen, Ha Van Nguyen, Hoang Van Hien, Nguyen Ngoc Chinh, Vinh Thi ... Xem tiếp
Capacity and needs assessment of veterinary services in Vietnam in biosecurity, biosafety and One Health Bài báo 688 15/01/2024 Aashima Auplish, Thi Thu Tra Vu, Phuc Pham Duc, Alexandra Green, Harish Tiwari, ... Xem tiếp
Reducing antimicrobial use in chicken production in Vietnam: Exploring the systemic dimension of change Bài báo 209 13/10/2023 Xem tiếp
Effect of light-touch intervention and associated factors to microbial contamination at small-scale pig slaughterhouses and traditional pork shops in Vietnam Bài báo 375 05/08/2023 Xem tiếp
An overview of human helminthioses in Vietnam: Their prevention, control and lessons learnt Bài báo 274 12/11/2022 In Vietnam, helminthioses remain a major threat to public health and contribute to the maintenance of poverty in highly endemic regions. Through increased awareness of ... Xem tiếp